KAUST-SFDA First Joint International Conference

Trends in Microbiome and Digital One Health

October 30 - November 1, 2023

Unveiling the Dynamics of Breast Milk Microbiome: Impact of Lactation Stage and Gestational Age


Breast milk (BM) provides a personalized nutrition for infants for the first six months of life and is essential for the development of the newborn’s immature immune and digestive systems. While BM was conventionally believed to be sterile, recent advanced high throughput technologies have unveiled the presence of diverse microbial communities in BM. These insights into the BM microbiota have mainly originated from uncomplicated pregnancies, possibly not reflecting the circumstances of mothers with pregnancy complications like preterm birth (PTB). 

In my talk, I will describe the BM microbial communities in mothers with preterm deliveries (before 37 weeks of gestation). We compared these samples with BM samples from healthy term pregnancies across different lactation stages (colostrum, transitional and mature milk) using 16S rRNA gene sequencing.

I will also cover the main results indicating that the microbial communities became increasingly diverse and compositionally distinct as the BM matured and that term and preterm BM samples are significantly different. 
This study paves the way for identifying modifiable factors that could optimize the composition of BM microbiota, thereby promoting maternal and infant health.

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