KAUST-SFDA First Joint International Conference

Trends in Microbiome and Digital One Health

October 30 - November 1, 2023

Di Wang

Assistant Professor, Computer Science, KAUST


Di Wang is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science and the Principal Investigator of the KAUST Privacy-Awareness, Responsibility and Trustworthy (PART) Lab. Prior to joining KAUST, he obtained his Ph.D. degree in computer science and engineering ('20) from the State University of New York (SUNY) at Buffalo, U.S.; his M.S. in mathematics ('15) from the University of Western Ontario, Canada; and his B.S. in mathematics and applied mathematics ('14) from Shandong University, China. Professor Wang's research interests include machine learning (ML), security, theoretical computer science, and data mining.

All sessions by Di Wang

Fair Text-to-Image Diffusion Via Fair Mapping
03:00 PM
Di Wang

Assistant Professor, Computer Science, KAUST
