Prof. Shafiq Joty

Research Director, Salesforce AI Research, USA


Shafiq Joty is currently a Research Director at Salesforce Research (Palo Alto, USA), where he oversees the NLP group's efforts in large language modeling (LLM) and generative AI. He also holds the position of a tenured Associate Professor (currently on leave) in the School of Computer Science and Engineering (SCSE) at NTU, Singapore. He was a founding manager of the Salesforce Research Asia (Singapore) lab. His research has contributed to over 20+ patents and 130+ papers in top-tier NLP and ML conferences and journals. He has served as the Program Chair of SIGDIAL-2023, as a member of the best paper award committees for ICLR-23 and NAACL-22, and in the capacity of a (senior) area chair for many of the leading NLP and ML conferences.

All sessions by Prof. Shafiq Joty

Prof. Shafiq Joty, Salesforce
10:15 AM
Prof. Shafiq Joty

Research Director, Salesforce AI Research, USA
