Bio-Hackathon MENA 2023

Parallel Session

Parallel Session:

Keynote Speaker Prof Michel Dumontier (KAUST Hotel)

Title: Data-Driven Discovery Science with FAIR Knowledge Graphs


The increasing availability of biomedical data offers tantalizing opportunities in support of computational discovery science. Yet, these data remain hard to find and to productively reuse because data and their metadata i) are wholly inaccessible, ii) are in non-standard or incompatible representations, iii) do not conform to community standards, and iv) have unclear or highly restricted terms and conditions that preclude legitimate reuse. In this talk, I will discuss developments to create computational standards, platforms, and methods to wrangle knowledge into simple, but effective semantic and latent representations in support of biomedical knowledge discovery, primarily around computational drug discovery, that are maximally FAIR - Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable.

Keynote Speaker Prof Aida Al Akeel (KAUST Library)

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Bio-Hackathon Agenda