Asma Alkhaldi (Saudi Data and Artificial Intelligence Authority (SDAIA)) -Toward the treatment of Vaso-Occlusive Crisis: A Reinforcement learning-based approach for non-opioid drug discovery
Batool Almarzouq (The University of Liverpool) - A reproducible workflow using Nextflow for protein Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations with documentation that supports RTL languages and non-Latin scripts.
Chang Sun (Institute of Data Science, Maastricht University) - Embedding ontologies
Esraa Madi (Sequential Lab) - End-to-end framework to enable analyzing data from DNA sequencing experiments utilizing AI
Hatoon Al Ali (KAUST) - DNApredict
Nicholas Dimonaco (McMaster University, Canada) - Improving prokaryotic genome annotation through an interoperable and multi-platform bioinformatic pipeline.
Núria Queralt Rosinach (Leiden University Medical Center) - MetaboliteNET: building a metabolite-centric knowledge base by ontology-based mining annotations from literature
Oleg Vlasovets (Helmholtz Munich) - Open MENA Microbiome Project
Olga Mashkova (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Ivannikov Institute for System Programming of the Russian Academy of Sciences) - The Middle East molecular database
Remzi Celebi (Maastricht University, Netherlands) - Reproducing Machine Learning and AI methods using FAIR Workbench
Yan Gong (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology) - Diabetes Atlas for MENA
Katherine Hardgrave (Trinity College Dublin) - Bacteria sensing in wastewater treatment processes using transformer models
Nelson David Quiñones Virgen (ZB Med) - Document similarity of articles in the bio-medical domain using multilabel-classification and ontology embeddings
Alexander Kanitz (University of Basel) - The ELIXIR::GA4GH Cloud - Global Engagement
Robert Hoehndorf ( KAUST) - Resources for genome workflows in the MENA population
Leyla Garcia (ZBMED) - Metadata for Science with (bio)schemas
Asiyah Lin and Sara Alghamdi (NIH,KAUST) - Creating a FAIR and Harmonized Ontology for Diseases and Phenotypes
Tazro Ohta (DBCLS) - Cloud-native data analysis workflow execution service and quality assessment of published workflows
Jing-Dong Kim (DBCLS) - Agile text mining with PubAnnotation/PubDictionaries, and its application to MENA Bioinformatics
Fernando Zhapa (KAUST) - mOWL: Python library for machine learning with biomedical ontologies
Asiyah Lin and Núria Queralt Rosinach (NIH & LUMC) - Harmonizing COVID-19 Epidemiology Ontologies
Faisal S. Almutairi (SFDA) - Predicting the risk of food contamination using machine learning models
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